Spoked Bikes Spoked Bikes

Gone [Ice] Fishin'

Attention Ladies and Gentlemen!!! 

We'd like to announce that we will be closed Thursday, February 19th through February Monday, Feb. 23rd to attend Frostbike, a trade show in Minneapolis, MN. It's not considered a vacation if you're going somewhere colder, right?

We'll be meeting with a lot of brands to check out all of the new bikes and gear that will be released this spring/summer and even some things that won't be out until 2016. These conferences allow us the opportunity to hand pick the products and companies we want to work with and these decisions are made by meeting the makers, physically touching and testing the products. I can tell you that our standards are high. 

Some shops sit in their back offices and look through catalogs placing orders based on colors or sheer profit margins. As a small business, we have to be aware of the numbers, but the way we see, we'd rather have a shop where our numbers are driven by our customer's trust and loyalty. The best way to accomplish this is to have a solid selection of products that you, as a smart customer, know will last you years.  

We appreciate you patience. Keep an eye on our Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter to see what we see. 


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